Chapter 9. International Collaboration

Publication: CLIMIT`s Project Portfolio

9. International Collaboration

9.1 Increased impact from International Research Collaboration

The CLIMIT program has for many years allocated around a quarter of available funds to international joint calls. This is because international research collaboration can more easily create an international market for CO2 Capture and Storage (CCS).

9.1.1 Collaboration Coordinated by the Research Council of Norway

The Research Council of Norway has been the coordinator for the platform Accelerating CCS Technologies (ACT), where 16 countries collaborated on four joint calls from 2016 to 2022. ACT is an ERA-NET Cofund, which means a collaboration supported by the European Commission through the EU’s research and innovation framework program, Horizon Europe. ACT has awarded a total of 108 million euros in support to 39 projects. Norwegian partners have participated in 26 of these projects, with total support to Norwegian partners through CLIMIT amounting to 23 million euros.

Countries and regions participating in ACT are shown in the map below:

Figure 1: ACT member countries: Alberta-province in Canada, Denmark, France, Germany, Greece, India, Italy, the Netherlands, Norway, the Nordic countries, Romania, Spani, Switzerland, Turky, UK and USA (Illustration: ACT)

9.1.2 ACT Continues in CETP

ACT will continue as an integrated part of the Clean Energy Transition Partnership (CETP). This is a larger collaboration for research and innovation across the entire energy sector. CO2 Capture, transport, utilization, and storage (CCUS) is one of many fields included in the collaboration. More than 50 funding agencies from 33 countries participate in CETP.

CETP has annual joint calls, with the first launched in 2022. The following year, 45 new projects started, including 10 projects within CCUS, of which six have Norwegian partners. CETP’s second call resulted in an additional 62 new projects starting in December 2024, including nine new projects within CO2 management, of which four have Norwegian partners.

CETP will have deadlines for submitting applications every November in the coming years. CLIMIT typically allocates a budget of 30-40 million NOK to CETP’s calls. These funds are intended for Norwegian partners within CCS projects. In addition, the Research Council of Norway contributes funds to Norwegian applicants in other fields such as renewable energy and hydrogen.

Countries participating in CETP is shown in the map below:

Figure 2. CETP member countries are marked. In addition to many European countries, there are several other members, including USA, Canada, India, Israel, South and Tunisia.  (Illustrasjon: CETP)

9.2 International Collaboration Yields Results

The international research platform Accelerating CCS Technologies (ACT) has over the years supported 39 projects within CCUS. This has helped close knowledge gaps and establish well-functioning collaboration on research, development, and industrialization across borders.

The relationships created between academia and industry have made important contributions to disseminating knowledge beyond the scientific community. The projects have delivered results highly relevant for the development and construction of industrial-scale CCS.

The results from international collaboration are documented in the article “ACT: How International Collaboration Fosters CCUS Research and Innovation“, which was presented at the GHGT16 conference in 2022. The main findings are summarized below.

9.2.1 Larger Grants Due to Close Collaboration

Through ACT, researchers have been able to work much more closely together at an international level. ACT has brought together participants from several countries, where the flow of knowledge, competence, and data across borders has been much more efficient than would have been possible through national calls alone.

Some countries have allocated fresh money to ACT calls, while others have redirected national funds to these calls. Consequently, some countries have ended up with less funding for national calls within CCS. However, overall, ACT has resulted in higher budgets for research and innovation within CCS than would have been the case without ACT. The significant contribution from the European Commission to the first ACT call would likely have been directed to other fields if the ACT platform had not been established.

It is also believed that several countries have more comprehensive research and innovation within CCS than would have been the case without ACT.

International cooperation can also lead to faster investments in up-scaling with a lower cost per ton of CO2 that is captured. However, this is difficult to quantify.

9.3 High Industrial Participation Has Been a Priority

Applications with high industrial participation and relevance have been prioritized. The calls have also requested applications that align with the EU’s Strategic Energy Technology Plan (SET-Plan) and Mission Innovation’s research priorities within CCS.

ACT projects have received funding from several countries, distributing the financial burden across multiple funding agencies. Furthermore, ACT has a positive structural effect on international research and innovation through the coordination of research goals and activities across borders.

9.3.1 Challenging Administration

ACT has resulted in more administration because each country has its own procedures for managing calls for applications. Setting up international calls that respect national procedures in all participating countries has required significant administrative resources from all funding agencies. Effective administration of the calls has only been possible through a pragmatic attitude from all participating countries, which has been essential for efficient and coordinated application processing.

Projects funded through ACT have been asked to establish consortium agreements signed by all project partners. This has been challenging for several projects due to significant variations in legal procedures and cultures across countries. Projects with only European partners have often handled this relatively smoothly by building their consortium agreements on templates from the EU’s framework programs, Horizon 2020 and Horizon Europe. However, such templates do not always work for projects with partners outside Europe. Researchers have challenged the ACT consortium to establish a template for consortium agreements that fits all partners in all countries, but this has not been possible to achieve.

9.3.2 Annual Workshops

ACT has organized annual workshops focused on knowledge sharing. This has created an efficient and fruitful flow of information and new knowledge. The workshops have provided excellent networking opportunities between projects and have connected ACT projects with key stakeholders outside ACT. Projects funded by ACT have been encouraged to emphasize dissemination, making results widely available to international researchers, industrial stakeholders, and decision-makers interested in CCUS.

International collaboration can be of greater importance for CCS than other fields because CO2 point sources and potential utilization or storage sites are unevenly distributed across countries. Some countries can find it beneficial to store their CO2 in other countries. Collaboration already in the research phase increases the likelihood of transnational implementation of the developed strategies and technologies.

The ACT collaboration on joint calls has resulted in larger projects with a higher focus on industrial needs than is usual through national calls. This gives ACT a particularly large potential for the spread of results.

9.3.3 Results with High Relevance for Large-Scale Projects

Research and innovation projects supported by ACT have delivered results highly relevant for industrial large-scale projects, such as Longship in Norway, Porthos in the Netherlands, and the UK’s large-scale CCS initiative.

For example, the Pre-ACT project has delivered new knowledge on how to handle pressure build-up during CO2 injection. Industrial stakeholders have pointed out that this knowledge is of great value for the Northern Lights CO2 storage project. Another example is the ACORN project, which led to a CO2 storage license in the UK. A third example is the ALIGN CCUS project, which generated a blueprint for scaling up CCUS to industrial scale.

9.4 Strong Focus on Knowledge Sharing

The ACT collaboration has been a fruitful platform for knowledge sharing, not only during the annual workshops organized by the consortium but also in activities organized by the projects themselves. Several ACT-funded projects have worked closely together, sharing knowledge, competence, and results, and reaching out to relevant stakeholders in joint workshops. Additionally, knowledge sharing is ensured by continuously updating the ACT website with information and results from ACT projects.

The first CETP projects started at the turn of the year 2023-24 and have so far delivered interesting results. Everything indicates that CETP projects will continue where ACT left off and deliver results of great importance for the development and deployment of large-scale CCS.

ACT and CETP projects within CO2 management are listed below.

Table 1. Projects funded under the first ACT Call for proposals. Project period 2017-2020. See ACT web site for details

ProjectCoordinatorObjectives / AchievementsCLIMIT project number
3D-CAPSTNOReduced the size of the equipment needed to remove and recover CO2 from industrial gases, using two promising new adsorption-based technologies with an inherently small energy footprint. The required adsorbents for these technologies were prepared using the latest innovations in additive manufacturing, commonly known as 3D-printing.276322
ACT ACORNPale Blue Dot EnergyProduced a technical development plan for a full-chain CCS hub that would capture CO2 emissions from the St Fergus Gas Terminal in Northeast Scotland and store the CO2 under the North Sea. The project paved way for obtaining a storage license.276630
ALIGN-CCUSTNOCovered the whole CCUS chain, including public perception and the benefits of clusters. The outcome was a blueprint of how to accelerate the transition of current industry and power sectors into a future of continued economic activity and low-carbon emissions, in which CCUS plays an essential role.617178
ECOBASENORCEInvestigated the potential of commercially deploying CCUS by screening available data, developing roadmaps and exploring the potential CO2 Enhanced Oil Recovery (CO2-EOR) pilots in South-East Europe. Case studies in Romania and Turkey provided insight into prospective revenue streams and business models276320
ELEGANCYSINTEF EnergyAddressed fast-tracking the decarbonization of Europe’s energy system via hydrogen and CCS. Technological, economic, and legal barriers were studied, and five national case studies adapted to the national conditions in Germany, the Netherlands, Norway, Switzerland, and the UK617179
DETECTShellGenerated guidelines and technologies for determining the risk of CO2 leakage along fractures across the primary caprock using an integrated monitoring and hydro-mechanical-chemical modelling approachNo Norwegian partners
GASTECHSINTEFPerformed techno-economic studies for power production schemes from solids fuels integrating Gas Switching Combustion (GSC) and Gas Switching Oxygen Production (GSOP). A key result is the design of a flexible power and hydrogen production plant276321
Pre-ACTSINTEF IndustryDeveloped methodologies for monitoring and assessment of conformance for CO2 storage sites at all scales, from pilot to full-scale. The monitoring methods are universally applicable, and not limited by scale or geology.274199

Table 2. Projects funded under the second ACT Call for proposals. Project period 2019-2022. See ACT web site for details.

ProjectCoordinatorObjectives / AchievementsCLIMIT project number
AC2OCEMUniversity of StuttgartConducts pilot-scale experiments and analytical studies to advance key components of oxyfuel cement plants with the aim of reducing the time to market of the oxyfuel technology in the cement sector.305080
ACTOMUniversity of BergenAims at advancing offshore monitoring of stored CO2 by building a unique web-based toolkit designed to optimize monitoring programs for offshore geological storage sites.305202
ANICATU DarmstadThe ambition to develop a novel indirectly heated carbonate looping process for lowering the energy penalty and CO2 avoidance costs for CO2 capture from lime and cement plants.No Norwegian partners
DIGIMONNORCEDevelop and demonstrate an affordable, flexible, and intelligent digital monitoring early-warning system for monitoring any CO2 storage reservoir and subsurface barrier system.619153
FUNMINUniversity of LondonOptimize the process of CO2 mineralization into Magnesite (MgCO3) by combining simulation and experimental techniques to identify the key factors for catalysing the formation of MgCO3 under mild, non-hazardous, and non-toxic conditions.No Norwegian partners
LAUNCHTNOImprove CO2 capture technologies by establishing a faster and more cost-effective method to predict and control the degradation of next generation solvents619154
MemCCSeaCERTHDevelops hyper compact membrane systems for cost-effective and flexible operation of post-combustion CO2 capture at ships.305048
NEWEST-CCUSUniversity of EdinburghCCUS deployment in the Waste-to-Energy sector is studied. Guidelines are developed for the selection of robust, fuel flexible technologies resistant to Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) impurities.305062
PrISMaHeriot-Watt UniversityWill integrate molecular science and process engineering to develop a technology platform that allows for customized carbon capture solutions to optimal separation for a range of different CO2 sources and CO2 use and storage options.Parallel Norwegian project: 305042
REX-CO2TNODevelop a procedure and tools for evaluating the re-use potential of existing hydrocarbon wells for CO2 storage to help stakeholders make informed decisions on the potential of certain wells or fields for CO2 storage305342
SENSENGIWill utilise new technologies and optimized data processing to develop reliable and cost-efficient monitoring programs for stored CO2 based on ground movement detection combined with geomechanical modelling and inversion techniques619155
SUCCEEDImperial College LondonDemonstrate at pilot scale the feasibility of utilising produced CO2 for re-injection in a geothermal field to maintain and enhance reservoir pressure and improve performance, while also storing the produced CO2 that would typically be vent to the atmosphere under standard geothermal operationsNo Norwegian partners

Table 3. Projects funded under the third ACT Call for proposals. Project period 2021-2024. See ACT web site for details.

ProjectCoordinatorObjectives / AchievementsCLIMIT project number
ABSALTUniversity of NottinghamDemonstrate that basic silica-polyethylenimine (PEI) in solids adsorption looping technology (SALT) can achieve low CO2 capture cost.No Norwegian partners
ACTIONImperial College LondonResearch is directed towards how to obtain efficient regional infrastructure, connecting CO2 sources with CO2 geological storage and non-geological utilisation optionsNo Norwegian partners
CEMENTEGRITYIFEWill address the chemical, thermal and mechanical mechanisms that may damage wellbore integrity during CO2-injection and -storage.332458
CoCaCO2LaTWI LtdDevelop a flexible and economically viable electrolyser to convert CO2 to ethylene, using nano-structured copper catalyst.No Norwegian partners
CooCEUniversity of PadovaHarnessing the potential of biological CO2 capture for circular economy by producing chemicals, fuels and materials using renewable resources such as biomass instead of fossil materials, allowing a drastic reduction of the GHG emissions.No Norwegian partners
CREATECarbonova Corp.Technological advancement of a circular economy model in a cement plant, i.e., capture and conversion of CO2 and waste heat from a cement plant into solid additives for composites in building and transportation.No Norwegian partners
ENSURENORSARProgress micro-seismic monitoring technologies to become a robust, cost-effective, and publicly accepted tool for seal integrity verification for large-scale CO2 sequestration.329865
EverLoNGTNOAccelerate the implementation of the Ship-Based Carbon Capture (SBCC) technology by demonstrating it on board of LNG-fuelled ships.332409
LOUISETU DarmstadPrepare for pre-commercial demonstration of Chemical Looping Combustion (CLC) of solid waste-derived fuels, i.e., an innovative process for poly-generation of power, heat, and chemicals from waste (waste-to-energy, WtE) providing a concentrated stream of CO2 that is ready for transport and storage or utilization.329886
NEXTCCUSIritaly Trading Company S.R.LDevelop sustainable energy technology with negative carbon footprint by producing methanol from CO2 capture, direct conversion and storage as liquid fuel using a sustainable electrochemical system.No Norwegian partners
RETURNSINTEF IndustryEnable safe and cost-efficient use of depleted reservoirs as long-term storage sites for CO2 by an in-depth understanding of the subsurface processes occurring during CO2 injection.329837
SCOPESINTEFImprove the understanding of amine-based CO2 capture by addressing and closing critical knowledge gaps along the entire flow path for the exhaust gas.332511
SHARPNGIQuantify and reduce CO2 storage risks by a more accurate estimation of rock stress states and related rock failure scenarios. The project will contribute to ensure safe storage of CO2 at the gigaton per year scale.621260

Table 4. Projects funded under the fourth ACT Call for proposals. Project period 2022-2025/26. See ACT web site for details.

ProjectCoordinatorObjectives / AchievementsCLIMIT project number
3D PRINTINGIndian Institute of ScienceMaximizing carbon sequestration in cement-based constructions through material innovation and additive manufacturing. Adopt 3D printing technology to overcome the challenge of maximizing CO2 diffusion into the structure and optimizing material chemistry to maximize carbon sequestration without affecting the strength and durability of the concrete.No Norwegian partners
AMIGOPeytoThe Amigo project will evaluate technical and regulatory aspects of large-scale CO2 storage in a pressure-depleted gas carbonate reservoir operated.No Norwegian partners
MACENRELDirect Carbon Conversion to Chemically Enhance Supplementary Cementitious Materials for Building ConstructionNo Norwegian partners
MeDORASINTEFPost combustion CO2 capture, including a membrane contactor to remove dissolved O2 from the amine-based solvent, limiting degradation and prolonging solvent lifetime.340946
PERBASGEOMARPermanent sequestration of gigatons of CO2 in continental margin basalt deposits340832
SPARSESINTEFDevelop a low-cost monitoring system to assure containment and conformance, consisting of node-based multi-physics geophysical monitoring and automatic conformance evaluation. Through full integration and optimization of all components during the design process the aim is to ensure reliable conformance monitoring, practical technical solutions, and low cost for installation, operation, and maintenance.340953

Table 5. Projects funded under the CETP Joint Call 2022. Project period 2023-2026. See CETP website for details.

ProjectCoordinatorObjectivesCLIMIT project number
ACLOUDChalmersAdvancing chemical-looping combustion of domestic fuelsNo Norwegian partners
AMbCSAqualung Carbon CaptureDevelop and demonstrate an advanced membrane-based CCUS solution for shipping industry using novel membranes and innovative processes at TRL6 to address the challenges and thereby fast track CCUS deployment in shipping industry by 2030348564
BUCK$$$University Roma La SapienzaOptimize CO2-mineralisation and optimize relevant sourcing and use of the added-value products generated; all assisted by digitization and computational modelling of the entire process.No Norwegian partners
CO2RRSouth PoleEstablish the first commercial international multi-modal CO2 transport value chain in the Europe. The project will demonstrate the feasibility and viability of creating such value chains for all parties and establish framework agreements for all emitters to have an easy access to transport and storage services.No CLIMIT funding
CTSNORCECO2 Transport and Storage directly from a ship: flexible and cost-effective solutions for European offshore storage.347649
DRIVETNOProvide guidance on how to cost-effectively lower the residual emissions associated with CO2 capture, demonstrating innovative technology pathways to reach improved CO2 reduction. Minimize the costs of achieving carbon neutral or carbon negative operations at specific point sourcesNo Norwegian partners
GreenSmithTNODemonstrates the recovery of both H2 and Syngas with CO2 capture from the main residual steel gases of all steelmaking routes.No Norwegian partners
LEGACYSINTEFField studies for de-risking existing wells and CCS site geology. Develop tools and technologies for screening, modelling, monitoring, and mitigation of well integrity issues and leakage, thereby enabling safe and cost-efficient, large-scale storage of CO2 in areas with legacy wells347682
RamonCONORCERisk-based framework for assessing CO2 storage monitoring. Mature and apply modelling/inversion framework at full field scale and quantify societal challenges and requirements, as well as cost, to draw risk governance strategies for industry and regulators and incorporate them in decision support tools350706
SENSATIONSINTEFSorbent Assisted Carbon Capture Tailored for Low CO2 Concentrations from Air and Low Industrial CO2 Emissions349693