CLIMIT Summit 2025

In 2025, the CLIMIT programme celebrates 20 years, a milestone we intend to mark. CLIMIT is pleased to invite you to the CLIMIT Summit 2025 on 25–27 February 2025 at Bølgen Cultural Centre in Larvik, Norway.


From CLIMIT Summit 2023.

Prime Minister Terje Aasland has now confirmed his participation. We have some updates to the program and more will follow shortly.

We are also launching a separate LinkedIn page, where we will share information with you regularly. Be sure to follow us!

The overarching theme of the conference is international collaboration and its impact on the development of CCS and CDR globally. Save the Dates 25–27 February.

We look forward to three eventful days in Larvik next February and hope to see you there. The event will be hosted in English.

International collaboration for more than 20 years – what’s next?

CLIMIT Summit 2025.

Day 1 (25 February)

On 25 February, we will kick off with an international Carbon Dioxide Removal (CDR) conference in partnership with Mission Innovation CDR, with public and private-sector representatives from the US, Canada, the EU and the UK, among others. The focus will be on developments in CDR associated fields around the world. If you are interested in what is happening within CDR around the world, don’t miss this opportunity!

During the conference, there will also be a separate session on the Mission Innovation CDR’s student initiative called SMART-CDR Competition, where the final student teams will present their innovative ideas to the audience, who will vote on the best ideas. See more info here. If you know someone who knows someone who might be interested, feel free to spread the word!

During the CLIMIT SUMMIT, three winning teams will be selected that you will have the opportunity to vote for.

Separate side events and site visits

As part of the Summit, number of different side events will be arranged. We have already secured the Technology Centre Mongstad, ECCSEL ERIC, ACT/CETP, CO2 Storage, live CO2 Storage Demonstration and an event focusing on standardisations. If you are interested in having your own side event, do not hesitate to contact Liv Lønne Dille, the Summit’s project manager.

We are arranging site visits to Brevik CCS, Hafslund Celsio, Northern Lights and the Technology Centre at Mongstad.

Day 2 and 3 (26-27 February)

The Summit proper on CLIMIT will take place on 26 and 27 February. There will be a number of general key note sessions, and of course much of the time will be allocated to presentations on the ongoing projects that the CLIMIT programme supports. We will also present the CLIMIT Award for 2025. Are you wondering what happens next after the Longship project? How will the world take the next step towards realising more full-scale projects? What do researchers and industry need to have the spotlight on? All this and more will be discussed at the Summit.

We will return with more details and open for registration in August. Make sure you set aside these three days in February. See you in Larvik!


Larvik iis a cultural municipality, harbour town and a popular toruist destination with a fantastic coatline, urban opportunities and charming villages. It`s close to both nature and culture, as well at neighbouring towns in Vestfold and Telemark.

How to get there?

Bølgen Cultural Centre (Bølgen Kulturhus), Sanden 2 

Farris Bad, Fritzøe Brygge 2 

Everyone must book their own accommodation

Individuals must pay for and book their own hotel rooms. Below is information on three hotels with which we have agreements. Book well in advance.

Hotel information

Farris Bad Fritzøe Brygge 2 , Larvik

Prize: 2 190 NOK per night

Please notis! Email is required to book at conference rates:

Phone: +47 33 19 60 00 (tast 1 – fritid/privat booking)

Bookingcode: GASSNOVA25

Booking deadline: 31.12.2024


Quality Hotel Grand Larvik, Storgata 38, Larvik

Prize: 1 690 NOK per night

Please notis: Email is required to book at conference rates:

Phone: +47 41 30 85 24

Booking code: GASSNOVA25

Booking deadline: 31.12.2024


Scandic Park Sandefjord ((20 min from Larvik by car – train/bus is also possible (incl. walk about 35 min.)), Strandpromenaden 9, Sandefjord

Prize: 1 640 NOK per night

Online booking

Booking code: BGAS250225

Booking deadline: 12.11.2024

Please notis: After the expiry of the booking deadline, booking at the ordinary price via the hotels.