Chapter 10. Knowledge sharing

Publication: CLIMIT`s Project Portfolio

10. Knowledge sharing

10.1 Increased level of knowledge about CCS worldwide

“CLIMIT has been a driving force in sharing knowledge about CCS technologies,” says Liv Lønne Dille, Senior Advisor at Gassnova. “An important goal for the programme is that we share knowledge and experiences from the projects that receive support.”

Knowledge dissemination is enshrined in all contracts with the involved stakeholders. Over the years, CLIMIT has also organised a number of its own events with presentations and exchanges of ideas related to results and experiences from the research projects.

“Connecting different stakeholders and communities has resulted in applications from many promising projects that would not have been realised without this dialogue,” Lønne Dille continued.

10.2 CLIMIT Summit – an important arena

Since 2010, the CLIMIT programme has organised its own event days every other year, where representatives from the portfolio present the results of their projects. CLIMIT Days have seen increased participation each time. The programme has changed over the years and become steadily more diverse and international. In recent years, the CLIMIT Summit has gathered together 200-300 people with broad international participation.

A separate CDR conference will be held in 2025 under the CLIMIT umbrella in collaboration with Mission Innovation. A number of side-events are being organised in addition to this. Tours are also being organised to Longship operators and to the Test Centre Mongstad.

10.3 CLIMIT webinars in collaboration with industry

CLIMIT organised five digital webinars over the period 2021–2023 that sought to bring together and connect stakeholder industries with comparable interests and facing similar challenges. The stakeholders themselves selected the webinar topics based on common challenges that were the subject of discussion in clusters and industrial partnerships.

The response to the webinars was positive. Various workshops focussing on different topics were also held in the past.

“These initiatives have been important not just for the CLIMIT programme, but also industry and research for discussing challenges and opportunities, as well as for ensuring knowledge sharing and learning.”
Liv Lønne Dille

10.4 National and international cooperation

CLIMIT has focussed heavily on international cooperation through the platforms Accelerating CCS Technologies (ACT) and Clean Energy Transition Partnership (CETP). Since 2016, annual workshops have been held with a focus on knowledge sharing within these initiatives. Information from the last workshop in September 2024 is available here and summaries of previous workshops are available on ACT’s website.

10.5 Important digital channels for knowledge sharing

Since its inception in 2004, the CLIMIT programme has had an actively updated website. It has provided information to potential applicants about the programme’s mandate, regulations and the application process for the different parts of the programme. The website also provides an overview and descriptions of the projects in the portfolio, as well as updates about these projects.

“On average, a new report is published every other week, which highlights the significance of knowledge sharing for the programme,” says Lønne Dille sees about 7,000 visitors annually, who on average spend 2.5 minutes there each visit.

Other important channels for sharing information from CLIMIT are LinkedIn, as well as the website “Heilo-CCUS”, which highlights CCS projects from CLIMIT, Enova and Innovation Norway.

Finally, it is important to state that CLIMIT projects have resulted in a number of publications in recognised scientific journals Many patents have also been filed for Norwegian technologies developed with support from CLIMIT.