About the CLIMIT Programme
About the CLIMIT Programme
The CLIMIT Programme is Norway’s national programme for research, development and demonstration of CO2 capture and storage technology (CCS).

Objectives of the CLIMIT Programme
The objectives of the CLIMIT programme include providing financial support for research, development and demonstration of CO2 capture technologies that will:
- Contribute to the development of knowledge, expertise, technologies. And solutions that can make a significant contribution to cost reduction and broad international deployment of CO2 capture.
- Leverage national assets and promote new technology and service concepts with commercial and international potential.
“The programme’s primary objective is to contribute to the development of technology and solutions for CCS by providing financial support to projects”
The Research Council of Norway and Gassnova
CLIMIT R&D and CLIMIT Demo form the programme. Which is a collaboration between Gassnova and the Research Council of Norway. The programme comprises the research and development support programme (the R&D part) administered by the Research Council of Norway. And Gassnova’s support for development and demonstration (the Demo part). Gassnova is responsible for overall coordination and manages the programme secretariat.
The programme is aimed at industry, research institutes, universities, and colleges. Often in collaboration with international companies and research institutes, to accelerate the commercialisation of CCS.
CLIMIT will have a balanced project portfolio and support technology projects in all parts of the development chain up to commercialisation.
Historically, CLIMIT was established in 2005 by the Ministry of Energy (formerly the Ministry of Petroleum and Energy) to support the development of CCS technology for gas-fired power plants. In 2008, the support programme was expanded to include power generation from all fossil fuels and, in 2010, industrial emissions. From 2021, the programme will include support for all possible CO2 sources.
The CLIMIT programme has contributed to significant technology development and competence building in Norway, both within the research communities and among industrial partners.
CLIMIT 10 years (2015) – Review of the programme and description of several of the projects that have received funding