NOK 10 million for Carbon Removal Projects
For the first time, the CLIMIT programme has earmarked funds for carbon removal projects (CDR).
To achieve climate neutrality, it is not enough to stop all emissions CO2 must also be removed from the atmosphere (carbon removal), according to the IPCC. The CLIMIT programme will now help to realise this through value creation in Norway. Do you have an idea for a project? Get in touch with us!

Growing demand for Carbon Dioxide Removal (CDR) by 2050
Interest in Carbon Dioxide Removal (CDR) is increasing, and CLIMIT has allocated funding for such projects in 2025. The CLIMIT programme will process applications on a rolling basis, and all applicants must follow CLIMIT’s standard procedure, which can be found here.
Examples of technological solutions within CDR:
- DACCS – Direct Air Capture (DAC) with Geological Storage
- BioCCS – capture and geological storage of CO2 from industries using biological feedstocks/fuels
- Biochar – for industrial and agricultural use with long-term soil storage (as a soil amendment).
- Mineralisation (formation of carbonates for durable storage)
BioCCS: The most mature solution
BioCCS is currently the most mature solution with the greatest potential in terms of tonnes of CO2 stored per year. The industry views bioCCS as an enabler for CCS, as capturing and storaging biogenic CO2 emissions can facilitate sale of carbon credits, strengthening business models.
In Norway, CDR activities primarily focus on bioCCS and biochar. Additionally, Norwegian companies like Removr, Climeworks Norway and Carbon Removal have received support from Enova for studies on direct air capture (DAC).
Purpose of CDR funding in CLIMIT Demo
There is an increasing need for CDR expertise in industry and research. It is important that CDR solutions (technologies, methods, value chains) are tested and evaluated well before 2050, when these solutions will play a larger role in keeping the temperature increase below the 2-degree target (ref. IPCC).
Norwegian funding instruments, including Enova, the Research Council, Innovation Norway and Gassnova, currently support CCS. However, there is up to now not a specific focus on CDR.
Open call now in 2025
The CLIMIT programme will be able to support industrial projects and research projects in collaboration with industry in the following themes
- BioCCS
- Biochar/biochar with a focus on long-term storage for industrial and possibly agricultural use
- DAC with CCS
- Enhanced Mineralization by injecting CO2 into the bedrock
- Development and evaluation of methodologies in line with EU regulations – to clarify whether a project contributes to carbon removal, such as LCA (Life Cycle Analysis), TEA (Techno-Economic Analysis) and MRV (Measurement/Monitoring-Reporting-Verification).
Applicants are encouraged to explore the possibility of establishing Nordic or international collaborations with industry and/or recognised research institutions.