Background and purpose of the project?
Grevling development project is based on a mobile production unit with local power production using turbines. These are the main source of CO2 and NOx emissions to air. It is a stated goal to reduce such emissions to air, both for the authorities and for the operator. The project is conducting a feasibility study at CCS with a focus on an offshore compact solution for the chosen concept at Grevling. The main task is to be able to demonstrate a robust and sustainable design where Offshore CCS is part of the solution.
What was the goal of the project?
• To increase the maturity level of CO2 capture facilities at offshore installations
• Develop standardized solutions in a marginal field that Grevling will contribute to the development of more competitive, cost-effective and secure CO2 management technology
• Reduce environmental emissions to air
What has the project done in terms of activities?
The carbon capture plant was designed based on flue gas quantities based on 1 NovaLT16 gas turbine. The consequence of scaling the plant to be able to process the amount of flue gas based on 2 NovaLT16 was also assessed. Exhaust collection from two turbines to a common WHRU and CCS plant, pre-treatment and after-treatment of exhaust, as well as exhaust cooling are considered and included in the design.
Overall layout design where tall columns were split to achieve optimal placement on the platform was developed. Design of equipment components with updated equipment lists (MEL) with dimensions and weights were prepared.
Estimated CCS investment and assumed reduced environmental tax were included in commercial assessments.
What has the project achieved? Were the goals of the project achieved?
The project confirms that it is technically feasible with a CO2 capture plant on the chosen development concept at Grevling. With CCS facilities included in the platform design, Grevling has demonstrated a robust mobile concept and competitive solution for marginal field development.
Future plans?
Start detailed engineering of CO2 capture facilities that are included in the technical building specification of the platform. Initiation of underground work and well design. All with the goal that Offshore CCS becomes part of Grevling field development.