As part of Hydro’s roadmap to net-zero emissions by 2050, Hydro is developing HalZero, a new aluminium production process with zero CO2 emissions. The HalZero process is based on electrolysis of carbochlorinated alumina, where chlorine and carbon is kept in a closed loop system. For the carbon retainment, a cost-efficient CO2 conversion technology is required. Several technology options exist, such as biocatalysis and photocatalysis, plasma technology, electrochemical conversion and heterogenous catalysis. These technology options have been developed to various maturity levels and show various degree of compatibility with the overall HalZero process. The compatibility with HalZero can be related both to inherent technology features, and to market-driven development pathways.
This project aims to map the technology and vendor landscape for CO2 conversion to enhance Hydro’s market understanding on the topic. Based on this mapping, further studies have been conducted to deepen the understanding of selected topics with relevant partners and vendors.