CO2SafeArrest (‘Improving safety and efficiency of CO2 pipelines by developing and validating predictive models for CO2 pipeline design’)

Clean Energy Production from Offshore Natural Gas (CEPONG)

CO2-transport med skip. Foto.

Autonomous valves for enhanced recovery from oil reservoirs along with increased CO2 storage

CO2-transport med skip. Foto.

Subsea Releases-Small Scale Experimental Programme

CO2-transport med skip. Foto.

Demonstration of Flow Assurance for CO2 Transport Operations

CO2-transport med skip. Foto.

Impurity reactions in dense phase CO2 – corrosion and solid formation

CO2-transport med skip. Foto.

Efficient CO2 transport project

CO2-transport med skip. Foto.

Towards a transport infrastructure for large-scale CCS in Europe (CO2Europipe)

Pipeline beneath the ocean. Pipeline transportation is most common way of transporting goods such as oil, natural gas or water on long distances.