Support for CO2GeoNet workshopen CCS EXPLORATION AND MONITORING” during 17th Annual Open Forum”

THERMESI – Thermal Effects on Seal Integrity

Viser CO2-lagring. Foto.

Stratigraphic and regional clay mineral variations and biogenic silica distribution, North Sea Cenozoic overburden – impact on seal integrity

Viser CO2-lagring. Foto.

Well Barrier Integrity Test Unit – BTU

Well control for CO2 Wells

Unloading system for direct CO2 injection

Viser CO2-lagring. Foto.

The eXRES project deals with the development of new technology for real-time logging of formation resistivity for our core drilling equipment, aimed at CCS

Downhole data collection equipment for safe storage of CO2 and more efficient drilling operations

The illustration and text is from the Norwegian Petroleum Department (NPD).

HPC-simulation software for the gigatonne-storage challenge, phase 2

Tverrsnitt av simulert CO2. Grafisk illustrasjon.

Cross section of simulated CO2 composition in 2050 based on the Sleipner field model accessible from 

Extended High Resolution (XHR) Seismikk for Kartlegging og Monitorering av CO2 reservoarer.

Viser CO2-lagring. Foto.