Apply for support from CLIMIT Demo
Gassnova is offering grants to initiatives based on an assessment of the nature of the initiative in question, the applicant, the need for support and to what extent the initiative will help the grant scheme to fulfil its objectives. The support will be specified in a contract between Gassnova and the grant recipient.

Seven types of projects qualify for support:
- Technical-economic feasibility studies to assess the technical and commercial potential of new technologies individually or in a value chain.
- Support for technology testing at pilot scale including separate process stages.
- Support for demonstration facilities: Experiments involving the testing and operation of facilities at a technical or semi-industrial scale where the aim is to obtain data that can illuminate the performance of the technology, optimise operations, up-time and reliability. Technical and financial size and scale data for the investment and operation of full-scale facilities, as well as the basis for availability, reliability and performance guarantees provided by the supplier to be highlighted.
- Development of service concepts or methodology for CO2 capture and storage in order to realise full-scale CCS.
- Limited amounts for networking and knowledge sharing in cases with clear scientific and international rationale.
- International projects where the activity is partially financed through EU programmes and/or national programmes in other countries with objectives comparable to CLIMIT.
- Support for projects that help to realise gains for Longship.
Key criteria in the assessment of applications for Climit-demo:
Scientific basis: Projects that receive support must be technologically qualified through documentation of research and development activities and good results in laboratory scale.
Commercial potential: This means prospects for profitability, market opportunities, business concept, realism in business plans, etc. The commercial potential must be documented by research work, feasibility studies or market analyses. The project must have plans for partnerships with national and international technology suppliers and users to support market introduction.
Value creation in Norway: The project shall contribute to value creation in Norway in the form of either technology or expertise development within the general CLIMIT objective.
Act as a trigger: State aid for R&D is intended to stimulate companies to pursue research and development that extends beyond their regular operations. Public support of this kind should “trigger” the project that is subject to the application, i.e. it should expand the scope or application of the researcher, or accelerate
implementation of the project, cf. Chapter 3, Section 4, Article 25 of the GBER Regulations.
Plan for implementation: Appropriate project schedule, project funding, project organisation and methodology for project implementation that ensures completion of the project is likely. The applicant’s and the project participants’ ability to deliver the project and self-fund it.
Applicants must contribute to financing their projects. CLIMIT will contribute no more than needed to incentivize the project. The application shall include a binding financing plan. When the project receives a support commitment from CLIMIT the project should be fully-financed and ready for start-up.
Implementing the project
Applicants must document their own technical, financial and organisational ability to carry out and commercialise the project.
Technology rights
Applicants shall document freedom to operate and a plan for patenting of results from the project. Gassnova will not claim ownership of results from the project.