Stress corrosion cracking of carbon steel in amine service

Pilot scale Demonstration of a New Generation Transformational Solvent technology for CO2 Capture from Power Plants and Industrial processes (“CAPSIN”)

Moving Bed Carbonate Looping Fase II

CO2 capture and liquefaction at Preem refineries in Lysekil or Gothenburg, Sweden, for storage of CO2 on the Norwegian Continental Shelf (Preem CCS Prestudy)


Fangst av CO2 fra produksjon av char med kull som råstoff

Advanced Membrane for CO2 (AMCO)

Monitoring and mitigation of aerosol related solvent emissions in post combustion capture (AEROSOLVE)

Utvidet MTU-testkampanje på Klemetsrudanlegget

Innovative Precipitating Solvent Process for Carbon dioxide removal from various Gas Sources (INSPIRE)